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Fascia Research Soc.
Thoracolumbar Fascia
Therapeutic Manipulation of Fascia
Sensory Innervation
WC Low Back And Pelvic Pain
Books, etc.
Bulletin Board
Research Groups
Fascia Research Soc.
Thoracolumbar Fascia
Therapeutic Manipulation of Fascia
Sensory Innervation
WC Low Back And Pelvic Pain
Books, etc.
Bulletin Board
Interesting scientific references on thoracolumbar fascia:
Cao DY, Pickar JG
Thoracolumbar fascia does not influence proprioceptive signaling from lumbar paraspinal muscle spindles in the cat.
J Anat. 2009; 215(4): 417-24
Benjamin M
The Fascia of the limbs and back – a review
J Anat 2009 Jan; 214(1):1-18
Hammer WI, Pfefer MT
Treatment of a case of subacute lumbar compartment syndrome using Graston technique.
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005 March-April:28(3):199-204
Sung PS, Kang YM, Picakr JG
Effect of spinal manipulation duration on low threshold mechanoreceptors in lumbar paraspinal muscles: apreliminary report
Spine 2005 Jan 1;30(1):115-22
Barker PJ, Briggs CA, Bogeski G
Tensile transmission across the lumbar fasciae in unembalmed cadavers: effects of tension to various muscular attachments
Spine 2004 Jan 15;29(2):129-38
Johnson GM, Zhang M
Regional differences within the human supraspinous and interspinous ligaments: A sheet plastination study
Euro Spine J 2002 Aug;11(4):382-8. Epub 2002 Feb 2
Bogduk N, Johnson G, Spalding D
The morphology and biomechanics of latissimus dorsi
Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 1998 Sept; 13(6):377-385
Vleeming A, Pool-Goudzwaard AL, Hammudoghlu D, Stoeckart R, Snijders CJ, Mens JM
The function of the long dorsal sacroiliac ligmanet. Its implication for understanding low back pain
Spine 1996 Mar 1;21(5):556-62
Farfan HF
Form and sunction of the muscoskeletal system as revealed by mathematical analysis of the lumbar spine. An essay
Spine 1995 Jul 1;20(13):1462-74
Bednar DA, Orr FW, Simon GT
Observations on the pathomorphology of the thoracolumbar fascia in chronic mechanical back pain. A microscopic study
Spine 1995 May 15; 20(10):1161-4
Vleeming A, Pool-Goudzwaard AL, Stoeckart R, van Wingerden JP, Snijders CJ
The posterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia. Its function in load transfer from the spine to legs.
Spine 1995 Apr 1;20(7):753-8
Yahia L, Rhalmi S, Newman N, Isler M
Sensory innervation of human thoracolumbar fascia. An immunohistochemical study.
Acta Orthop Scand, 1992 Apr;63(2):195-7
Hukins DWL, Aspden RM, Hickey DS
Thoracolumbar fascia can increase the efficiency of the erector spinae muscles.
Clin Biomech 1990 Feb;5(1):30-34
McGill SM, Norman RW
Potential of lumbodorsal fascia forces to generate back extension moments during squat lifts
J Biomed Eng, 1988 Jul;10(4):312-8
Maigne JY, Lazareth JP, Maigne R
Anatomical Study of cutaneous innervation of the lumbosacral region. Application to the physiopathology of certain lumbalgias
Rev Rhum Mal Osteoarctic, 1988 Feb;55(2):107-11
Aspden RM, Bornstein NH, Hukins DW
Collagen organisation in the interspinous ligament and its relationship to tissue function
J Anat. 1987 Dec; 155:141-51
Gracovetsky S, Farfan H, Helleur C.
The abdominal mechanism
Spine 1985 May;10(4):317-24
Bogduk N, Macintosh JE
Spine 1984 Mar; 9(2):164-70
Brizzi E, Todescan GC
Anatomic study of the aponeurosis of the posterior spinal muscles
Bull assoc Anat (Nancy). 1983 Mar;67(196):79-82
Faille RJ
Low back pain and lumbar fat herniation
Am Surg 1978;44(6):359-61
Gracovetsky S, Farfan HF, Lamy C
A mathematical model of the lumbar spine using an optimized system to control muscles and ligaments.
Orthop Clin North Am 1977; 8(1):135-53
Dittrich RJ
Lumbodorsal fascia and related structures as factors in disability
J Lancet 1963;83:393-8
Dittrich RJ
Soft tissue lesions as cause of low back pain;anatomic study
AM J Surg 1956;9181):80-85